Ready for a rousing round of Duck. Duck. Goose? You bet your tail feathers you are??especially once you chick out this fowl-bulous new bundle! Maeve is the brains of the operation. of course. while Reese could charm the plumes off absolutely anyone. And silly Stu goes around giving everyone his version of fist bumps: goosebumps! Together. this egg-ceptional trio is sure to have you honkin’ with happiness.
Even with all their feather-rific details. these Beginner kits are perfect for wooblin’ newbies. which we think is a pretty big duckin’ deal. Just grab some Easy Peasy Yarn? and follow our spec-quack-ular step-by-step videos so that you’ll never have to wing it. In fact. it’ll all go so swimmingly that you’ll be done with the hen-tire bundle before you know it. So fluff those feathers. and away we go: Duck??duck??goose!
Can I really learn how to crochet from these kits?
You bet – over 500.000 people have learned crochet with The Woobles. and you can be next! Just follow the step-by-step video tutorials that come with each kit. Our beginner kits also come pre-started to get you over the first hump.?
What’s included
- 1 with crochet hook
- 1 with crochet hook
- 1 ?with crochet hook
Skill level
Beginner. Beginner+
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